Demographic situation in Azerbaijan




From the beginning of the year number of population of the Republic of Azerbaijan increasing by 0.7% or 70.1 thousand person became to 9775.7 thousand person for the state of the 1st Septenber, 2016. Population density made 113 person per square kilometre. 53.1% of population are urban and 46.9% rural inhabitants. 49.8% of population made up men, 50.2% women. On average there are 1000 men per 1007 women. 22.5% of population are at the age of 0-14, 71.3% at the age of 15-64, 6.2% - 65 years old and over.

 106.5 thousand or on average every day 436 newborns by country during January-August of the current year registered by the region (city) Registration Departments of Ministry of Justice and this indicator made up 16.5 of per 1000 person of population. 53.4% of newborns were boys and 46.6% girls. 1872 of infants were twins, 51 triplets. The life expectancy is 75.2 age for newborns, including 72.7 age for boys and 77.6 age for girls.

 On average 2.1 child is per share of reproductive women in the country and that provides reproduction of population. 
37.8 thousand deaths were registered in the country and this indicator made up 5.9 per 1000 person during January-August of the current year. 
In the first five months of the current year 42.2 thousand marriages and 8.6 thousand divorces were registered by the Registration Departments and per 1000 person the number of marriages was 6.6 and divorces was 1.3. 
During January-August, 2016 the relevant authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Migration Service registered 2622 person arrivals to Azerbaijan for permanent residence and 1205 person departures from the country and migration positive balance made up 1417 person.

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