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Number and salary/wage of persons engaged in economy


For the state of 1st January, 2013 number of employees engaged in the country economy were 1510.1 thousand person and 900.2 thousand of them were the employees of state sector of economy and 609.9 thousand were the employees of non-state sector.
22.4 percent of employees are in engaged in education, 18.6 percent in trade, in the area of repair on motor vehicles, 13.0 percent in industry, 8.7 percent in health and social services to population, 7.1 percent in construction, 4.9 percent in transport and warehouse and 3.6 percent in professional, scientific and technical sphere, 2.9 percent in agriculture, forestry and fishing sphere, 1.8 percent in information and communication sphere and 17.1 percent in other fields of economy.
Average monthly nominal wage/salary of employees engaged in country economy was 423.0 manat in January-December, 2013. Compared to other types of activities average monthly wage/salary was higher in mining industry, in finance and insurance activity, in information and communication, in professional, scientific and technical sphere, in construction and in the field of administrative and subsidiary services.

Tel: 538-86-68
