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Change in producers’ prices of sold agriculture crops on January, 2014


Producers’ prices of sold agriculture crops during January increased by 0.5% compared to the previous month, as well as producers’ prices of annual and perennial plants correspondingly 0.5% and 2.1%, producers’ prices of live cattle and livestock products – 0.1%.
From annual crops producer’s price of barley increased by 0.2%, potato – 1.0%, onion – 4.3%, garlic – 0.1%, carrot – 5.5%, cucumber – 3.3%, tomato – 1.0%, greens – 0.4%, dry hay – 1.4% and producer’s price of wheat decreased by 0.9%.
From perennial crops producer’s price of apple and lemon correspondingly decreased by 0.2% and 3.4% and producer’s price of date – 9.1%, pomegranate – 3.6%, quince – 4.7%, tangerine – 2.6%, hazelnut – 9.4%, chestnut – 0.6%.
From live cattle and livestock products producer’s price of live sheep and goat increased by 1.8%, mutton and beef (in live weight) correspondingly 0.1 and 0.2%, egg – 3.3%. Along with increasing also producer’s price of caw decreased by 0.1%, buffalo – 1.3%, milk – 0.2%, poultry (in live weight) – 4.4%, natural honey – 1.1%.
During the month from fish and other fishery products increasing was observed in the producer’s price of fresh fish by 1.4%.

Tel: 538-52-72
