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Import and export operations


During 2013 the residents of the Republic of Azerbaijan were realized trade relations with 149 world countries’ legal and natural entities, commodity was exported to 105 countries and it was imported from 141 countries. 29 of participants of foreign trade turnover was America, 49 – Europe, 38 – Asia and other countries.
According to the statistical data during the year foreign trade turnover was mainly formed 43.5 milliard US dollars and it was increased by 2.7% compared the to 2012. 32.8 milliard dollars of turnover was share of export, 10.7 milliard dollars – import and at the result in amount of 22.1 milliard dollars positive balance was created.
Among the export products crude oil, oil products, natural gas, fruit – vegetable, fat and oil of vegetable and animal, among the import products food products, ferrous metals and products made from them, machine, mechanism, electric apparatus, equipments and their parts, transport means and their parts was dominated. Export of non-oil products increased by 6.0% compared to 2012 and it was formed 1773.0 million dollars. Export of non-oil products on per capita increased by 8.3% and it was equal to 190.7dollars.

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