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Commodity market


During January, 2014 from retail trade market in amount of 1.7 milliard manat or more than 9.3 % compared to the corresponding month of 2013 different consumer goods were sold to population. 900.3 million manat of consumer goods were food products, beverage and tobacco products, 765.6 million manat - non-food products, special weight of non-food products increased by 5.1%.
During January of current year volume of electronic retail trade turnover increased by 1.7 times compared to January of last year and it was formed 242.3thousand manat. 84.5 % of consumer goods ordered by online regime were purchased from trade networks of legal entities, 15.5% - from trade networks of natural entities. 91.9 % of electronic trade turnover was formed non-food products.

Tel: 538-76-95
