Activities of hotels and similar establishments in January-March 2024

30.04.2024, 12:00

The number of nights spent in hotels and similar establishments in January-March 2024 increased by 41,9% compared with corresponding period of 2023 and amounted to 779,4 thousand. 64,7% of the total nights spent were registered in Baku, 9,3% in Gusar, 4,0% in Naftalan, 3,9% in Guba, 3,6% in Shabran, 3,0% in Gabala, 1,8% in Lankaran, 1,1% in Ganja, 1,0% in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and 7,6% in other districts and cities.

The number of nights spent by foreigners and stateless persons increased by 40,2 percent compared to January-March 2023 and reached 433,4 thousand, representing 55,6% of total nights. 17.8% of the total nights were spent by citizens of India, 17,3% - the Russian Federation, 9,0% - Türkiye, 7,1% - the United Arab Emirates, 6,3% - Saudi Arabia, 3,7% - Kuwait, 2,7% - Kazakhstan, 2,7% - Great Britain, 2,4% - the USA, 2,3% - Pakistan, 2,3% - China, 1,7% - Uzbekistan, 1,3% - Germany, 1,1% - Italy, 1,1% - Georgia, 1,0% - Bahrain, 0,9% - Israel, 0,8% - Qatar, 0,8% - Ukraine, 0,7% - Belarus, 0,7% - Lithuania, 0,6% - France, 0,6% - Poland, 0,6% - Iran, 0,6% - Oman, 13,9% - citizens of other countries.

80,9% of the nights in hotels spent by foreigners and stateless persons were registered in Baku city, 8,8% in Gusar, 3,1% in Naftalan, 2,9% in Guba, 2,5% in Gabala, 0,4% in Shabran and 1,4% in other districts and cities.

The number of nights spent in hotels by the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan compared to the corresponding period of 2023 increased by 44,2% and made 346,0 thousand, representing 44,4% of total nights.

In January-March 2024, hotels and similar establishments’ revenues increased by 31,1% compared to the corresponding period of 2023 and amounted to 111,7 million manats, 58,5% of which were from services for the provision of rooms, 26,9% catering services, 3,6% treatment and health services and 11,0% other services.

In January-March 2024, one-time use of rooms in hotels and similar establishments was 17,8% (13,4% in January-March 2023). This indicator was 45,5% in Shabran, 41,3% in Gusar, 30,6% in Baku, 29,8% in Naftalan, 24,8% in Saatli, 20,8% in Sabirabad, 20,4% in Beylagan, 20,2% in Aghjabadi, while in other cities and regions, it was below average.

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