Cargo transportation by transport corridors in January-March 2024

15.05.2024, 12:00

In January-March 2024, cargo transportation in transport corridors was 7980,6 thousand tons and cargo turnover 3233,8 million ton-km, 5,3 percent and 9,0 percent more compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The volume of cargo transportation through the East-West transport corridor was 3763,3 thousand tons, including the Europe-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor – 1966,9 thousand tons, the North-South transport corridor – 2432,1 thousand tons, the North-West transport corridor – 1698,9 thousand tons, and the South-West transport corridor – 86,3 thousand tons. 3607,4 thousand ton or 45,2 percent of cargo was transported by railway transport, 2527,5 thousand ton or 31,7 percent by automobile transport, 1845,7 thousand ton or 23,1 percent by sea transport.

60,2 percent or 4808,0 thousand tons of cargo transportation by corridor was transit cargo.

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