Number and salary of civil servants

20.06.2024, 12:00

Since the adoption of the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On civil service", a wide legislative base was established in the field of civil service, as a result of the reforms carried out, a modern civil service system was formed in Azerbaijan, necessary steps were taken to strengthen the professionalism and social protection of civil servants.

Number of civil servants in the country made 27,1 thousand persons for the state of January 1, 2024 and 29,7% of them were women. 7,3% of civil servants worked on superior-3rd classifications of administrative positions, 3,8% on 4th classification, 11,7% on 5th classification, 7,9% on 6th classification, 46,6% on 7th classification and 22,7% on supporting positions of civil service.

Length of services of 4,6% of civil servants made a year, 25,4% from a year to 5 years, 22,5% from 5 years to 10 years, 19,3% from 10 years to 15 years, 28,2% 15 years and over.

Distribution of civil servants by age groups is characterized as follows: 2,5% of persons - aged under 25 years, 13,7% aged 25-29 years, 17,8% aged 30-34 years, 15,9% aged 35-39 years, 12,5% aged 40-44 years, 9,4% aged 45-49 years, 7,7% aged 50-54 years, 9,1% aged 55-59 years, 9,7% aged 60-64 years, 1,7% aged 65 and over.

In 2023 average monthly salary of civil servants increased by 8,3% compared with previous year and made 1933,3 AZN.

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