Preparation of the scientific staff

06.06.2024, 12:00

One of the major priority directions of the state policy is the development of the scientific-technical potential, increase of reputation of scientific employees in the society.

In the beginning of the current year doctorates operated in the 116 higher education institutions and scientific organizations having great role in increasing the scientific potential of the country and 3170 people studied that 52,1% of them was women. 80,8% of students studied philosophy, 19,2% doctor of Science programs.

31,9% of students studied in the scientific institutions and organizations, 68,1% in the doctorates established in the high schools. This indicator was 28,6 and 71,4% relevantly on Doctor of Philosophy program, 45,6 and 54,4% on Doctor of Sciences program.

58,3% of students studying on Doctor of Philosophy program are youth under the age of 30, 27,6% of students studying on Doctor of Sciences program are those under the age of 40.

540 of 2562 people studying on Doctor of Philosophy program study economy, 413 - technique,                            250 - philology, 172 – medicine, 148 – pedogogy, 127 – biology, 112 - political, 105 – earth sciences,                     95 – history, 92 – law, 86 – agrarian, 73 - mathematics, others – on other fields of science.

111 of doctorates study on philology, 72 – economy, 55 – technique, 96 - medicine and biology with 48 people each, 42 – agrarian, 37 – history, 33 – chemistry, 30 – earth sciences, 28 – law, 38 – study of art and pedogogy with 19 people for each, 16 – political sciences, 15 - mathematics, 35 study on Doctor of Sciences program in other fields.

In comparison with 2022, graduation on Doctor of Philosophy program in 2023 increased by 4,1 % - 613 people, Doctor of Sciences program increased by 21,2% - 120 people. During this period 688 people were admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy program, 111 people - Doctor of Sciences program.

Furthermore, in 2023 262 dissertators were arranged on Doctor of Philosophy program of which 73,7% were women. The number of dissertators on Doctor of Sciences program was 185 of which 100 were women. The major part of dissertators was arranged in the field of medicine, biology, history, physics, agrarian and philology sciences.

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