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Changing producers’ prices of the industrial goods in January, 2014


Producers’ prices index of industrial goods during January, 2014 increased by 1.3% compared to previous month, as well as, it was decreased by 2.7% on mining industry, producers’ prices on processing industry increased by 6.2%.
During January, 2014 in the sector of mining industry producers’ prices on extraction of metal ores decreased by 4.0%, on crude oil and natural gas – 2.6%, producers’ prices on output of stone, sand, gravel, salt and other mining industry products was increased by 1.3%.
During January producer price in the sector of processing industry on production of tobacco products decreased by 4.2%, on production of leather, leather products and shoes – 1.6%, on production of food products – 0.8%, on metallurgy industry – 0.4%, on production of construction materials – 0.1% and producer price on production of rubber and plastic products increased by 11.7%, on production of ready metal products besides the machine and equipments – 9.1%, on production of automobiles and trailers – 7.4%, on production of clothing - 0.9%, on production of furniture –0.8%, on production of pharmaceutics, products – 0.7%, on production of wood processing and wood products – 0.6%, on production of oil products – 0.2%, on production of machine and its equipments – 0.1%.
During the month it was not observed any changes in the sector of production, distribution and supply of electricity, gas and steam and water supply, cleaning and processing of garbage.

Tel: 538-52-72
