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Last updated: 16.10.2024

Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Population change Population and area Utilised agricultural area Irrigated lands Distribution of employed population on types of economic activity Gross Domestic Product by sectors of economy Volume of investment in fixed by sectors of economy Fixed assets by sectors of economy Gross output of agriculture Physical volume indeces of agricultural output by farm categories Structure of agricultural products Number of agricultural enterprises and private ownerships Number of tractors and grain combines Stock of main agricultural equipment Provision of agriculturel with equipment Providing agricultural producers with agricultural machinery and equipment on preferential terms by the state Import of mineral fertilizers by kinds, in physical weight Application of mineral fertilizers in agriculture Sown area of agricultural plants Structure of sown areas, all categories of farms Sown area of agricultural plants Grop production Yield of agricultural products Sown area under cereals and dried pulses by types Production of cereals and dried pulses by types (initial weight) Production of cereals and dried pulses by types (weight after peeling) Productivity of cereals and dried pulses by types (initial weight) Productivity of cereals and dried pulses by types (weight after peeling) Sown area of vegetable by types Production of vegetable by types Yield of vegetable by types Fruits and berries: cultivated area, gross harvest and yield Gross harvesting area of orchards by types-total Gross harvesting area of orchards by types, at fruit bearing age Production of fruit by types Productivity of orchards by types Grapes: cultivated area, gross harvest and yield Tea: cultivated area, harvest of green tea leaves and yield Number of farm animals, poultry and bee families Structure of livestock by categories of holdings Changes of cattle number Changes of sheep and goats number Average weight per head of livestock sold for slaughter Main animal products Meat production by type, in live weight, by categories Meat production by type, in slaughtered weight, by categories Milk production by type Productivity of live-stock and poultry in all categories of agricultural holdings Livestock per 100 holdings of rural population Production of agricultural products Consumption of food products Financial results of agricultural enterprises activity Profitability of products sold by agricultural enterprises Production cost per 100 kg of agricultural products Labour input per 100 kg of products in agricultural enterprises Value of gross output by forestry, fishing and hunting Main indicators of forest funds Reforestation in forests of state importance Wood residues in forest cutting areas and cleaning of areas from cuttings Conducting forestry activities Felling of trees for the purpose of forest maintenance and selective sanitation Forest fires Expenses on breeding and protection of fishery important fishes Release of young fishery important fishes in natural water basins and water reservoirs Total quantity of caught fish Fish caught by farms engaged in lake and puddle fishing Fish caught by quota Main economic indicators of hunting farms Number of fur animals in hunting farms, for the beginning of the year Number of hoofed animals in hunting farms, for the beginning of the year Number of game birds in hunting farms, for the beginning of the year
The data on regions
Total sown area under agricultural crops Sown area under cereals and dried pulses Sown area of winter and spring wheat Sown area of winter and spring barley Sown area of winter and spring rye Sown area of oats Sown area of grain maize Sown area of millet Sown area of sorgo (Indian millet) Sown area of rice Sown area of pulses Sown area under dry peas Sown area under dry beans Sown area under lentils Sown area under vetches (vicia) Sown area under black-eyed peas Sown area under other dry pulses Sown area of industrial crops Sown area under cotton Sown area under tobacco Sown area under sugar beets Sown area under sunflower for seed Sown area of potatoes, vegetables, watermelons and melons Sown area under potatoes Sown area under vegetables Sown area of cabbage Sown area of cauliflower Sown area of cucumber Sown area of tomato Sown area of beetroots Sown area of table carrots Sown area of onion Sown area of garlic Sown area of green peas Sown area of other vegetables Sown areas of pumpkin Sown areas of eggplant Sown areas of sweet pepper Sown areas of bitter pepper Sown areas of radish Sown area of vegetables under canopy lands Sown area under watermelons and melons Sown area of watermelons Sown area of melons Sown area of fodder crops Orchards and berry plantations total Apple orchards – total area Pear orchards – total area Quince orchards – total area Peache orchards – total area Apricot orchards – total area Cherry orchards – total area Sour cherry orchards – total area Plum orchards – total area Cherryplums orchards – total area Nut orchards – total area Hazel-nut orchards – total area Almond orchards – total area Pistachio orchards – total area Chestnut orchards – total area Pomergranate orchards – total area Persimmon orchards – total area Fig orchards – total area Olive orchards – total area Zizyphus orchards – total area Oleaster orchards – total area Cornelian orchards – total area Medlar orchards – total area Feykhoa orchards – total area Lemon orchards – total area Orange orchards – total area Mandarine orchards – total area Other orchards – total area Berries – total area Kivi orchards – total area Sown area under grapes Sown area under tea
Production of cereals and dried pulses Production of winter and spring wheat Production of winter and spring barley Production of winter and spring rye Production of oats Production of grain maize Production of millet Production of sorgo (Indian millet) Production of rice Production of pulses Production of dry peas Production of dry beans Production of lentils Production of vetches (vicia) Production of black-eyed peas Production of other dry pulses Production of cotton Production of tobacco Production of sugar beets Production of sunflower for seed Production of potatoes Production of vegetables Production of cabbage Production of cauliflower Production of cucumber Production of tomatoes Production of beetroots Production of table carrots Production of onion Production of garlic Production of green peas Production of other vegetables Production of pumpkin Production of eggplant Production of sweet pepper Production of bitter pepper Production of radish Production of vegetables under canopy lands Production of watermelons and melons Production of watermelons Production of melons Production fruits and berries Production of apple Production of pear Production of quince Production of peache Production of apricot Production of cherry Production of sour cherry Production of plum Production of cherry-plums Production of nut Production of hazel-nuts Production of almond Production of pistachios Production of chestnut Production of pomegranate Production of persimmon Production of fig Production of olive Production of zizyphus Production of oleaster Production of cornelian cherry Production of medlar Production of feykhoa Production of lemon Production of orange Production of mandarine Production of other fruits Production of berries Production of kivi Production of mulberry Production of grapes Production of green tea leaves
International comparisons

Main economic indicators of agricultural enterprises and private owners

Total agriculture harvest (by factual prices of corresponding year) Land in ownership and (or) use Leased land State lands Municipal lands Private lands Other used lands Land rented out (gived for use) Useful land area for agriculture Actually irrigated lands Arable land Permanent crops Pastures and hayfields Fallow land Uncultivated lands Lands under forests, trees, shrubs, field protector plants Other lands (under water, road, building, etc.) Lands - total Average useful land area for per agriculture enterprise Cost price of grain crops per centner Cost price of paddy per centner Cost price of raw cotton per centner Cost price of per centner of sugar beet Cost price for per centner of tobacco Cost price for per centner of green tea leaf Cost price for per centner of vegetable Cost price for per centner of potato Cost price for per centner of market-garden crops Cost price for per centner of fruit and berry Cost price for per centner of grapes Cost price for per centner of weight growth of cattle Cost price for per centner of weight growth of sheep and goat Cost price for per centner of weight growth of pig Cost price for per centner of weight growth of bird Cost price for per centner of milk Cost price for per centner of wool Cost price of thsd eggs Labour expenditure for per centner of grain crops Labour expenditure for per centner of paddy Labour expenditure for per centner of raw cotton Labour expenditure for per centner of green tea leaf Labour expenditure for per centner of sugar beet Labour expenditure for per centner of tobacco Labour expenditure for per centner of vegetable Labour expenditure for per centner of potato Labour expenditure for per centner of market-garden crops Labour expenditure for per centner of fruit and berry Labour expenditure for per centner of grape Labour expenditure for per centner of weight growth of cattle Labour expenditure for per centner of weight growth of sheep and goat Labour expenditure for per centner of weight growth of pig Labour expenditure for per centner of weight growth of bird Labour expenditure for per centner of milk Labour expenditure for per centner of wool Labour expenditure of thousand eggs Selling price for per centner of grain crops Selling price for per centner of paddy Selling price for per centner of raw cotton Selling price for per centner of sugar beet Selling price for per centner of tobacco Selling price for per centner of potato Selling price for per centner of green tea leaf Selling price for per centner of vegetable (open land) Selling price for per centner of market-garden crops Selling price for per centner of fruit and berry Selling price for per centner of grapes Selling price for per centner of cattle Selling price for per centner of sheep and goat meat Selling price for per centner of pig meat Selling price for per centner of bird meat Selling price for per centner of all kind of milk Selling price for per centner of wool Selling price of thousand eggs Profit Loss Total profit Profit from sale Profit (loses (-) in crop production Profitability of sold planting harvest Profit (loses (-) in animal-breeding Profitability of sold livestock products Profitability of sold grain crops Profitability of sold paddy Profitability of sold raw cotton Profitability of sold sugar beet Profitability of sold tobacco Profitability of sold green tea leaf Profitability of sold vegetable Profitability of sold potato Profitability of sold market-garden crops Profitability of sold fruit and berry Profitability of sold grape Profitability of sold cattle meat Profitability of sold sheep and goat meat Profitability of sold pig meat Profitability of sold bird meat Profitability of sold milk Profitability of sold wool Profitability of sold egg
Average annual number of employed Number of employees Number of foreigners Number of women Main production funds of agriculture purposes Average annual value of main production funds of agriculture purpose Total production of agriculture Labour productivity, total production for an employee Land in ownership and (or) use Leased land State lands Municipal lands Private lands Other used lands Land rented out (gived for use) Land rented out (gived for use) Aktually irriqated lands Arable land Permanent crops Pastures and hayfields Fallow land Uncultivated lands Lands under forests,trees, shrubs, field protector plants Other lands (under, water, road, building, etc.) Lands-total Useful land area for agriculture for per farm in average Cost price for per centner of grain crops Cost price for per centner of paddy Cost price for per centner of raw cotton Cost price for per centner of sugar beet Cost price for per centner of green tea leaf Cost price of the tobacco per centner Cost price for per centner of vegetable Cost price for per centner of potato Cost price for per centner of market - garden crops Cost price for per centner of fruit and berry Cost price for per centner of grape Cost price for per centner of weight growth of cattle Cost price for per centner of weight growth of sheep and goat Cost price for per centner of weight growth of bird Cost price for per centner of milk Cost price for per centner of wool Cost price of thousand eggs Selling price for per centner of grain crops Selling price for per centner of paddy Selling price for per centner of raw cotton Selling price for per centner of sugar beet Selling price for per centner of tobacco Selling price of row green tea levaes per centner Selling price for per centner of potato Selling price for per centner of vegetable (open land) Selling price for per centner of market-garden crops Selling price for per centner of fruit and berry Selling price for per centner of grape Selling price for per centner of cattle meat Selling price for per centner of sheep and goat meat Selling price for per centner of bird meat Selling price for per centner of milk Selling price for per centner of wool Selling price of thousand eggs Profit Loss Total profit Profit from sale Profit (loses (-) in crop production Profitability of sold planting harvest Profit (loses (-) in animal-breeding Profitability of sold live-stock products Profitability of sold cereals Profitability of paddy Profitability of sold raw cotton Profitability of sold sugar beet Profitability of sold tobacco Profitability of sold vegetable Profitability of sold potatoes Profitability of sold market-garden crops Profitability of sold fruit and berry Profitability of sold grape Profitability of sold cattle meat Profitability of sold sheep and goat meat Profitability of sold bird meat Profitability of sold milk Profitability of sold wool Profitability of sold egg

Forestry, fishery and hunting farms

Section "agriculture" reflects information on total agricultural products, sowing areas of main agricultural plants, crop production and productivity, number of cattle and poultry, production of main livestock products and etc. Aggregated data by the country are included based on two main categories, such as agricultural enterprises and other organizations, as well as private owners, family-peasant farms and households. The general information on crop and livestock production is indicated by regions.
Besides, this section includes some information on CIS countries.
Section "forestry, fishery and hunting farms" includes information on the state of forestry, fishery and hunting farms in the country. This section reflects information on land and forest resources and protection, fishing and fish-breeding and fish protection, main economic indicators of hunting farms, as well as information on different animals and birds.
Section "main indicators of agricultural enterprises and private owners' farms" covers main indicators of agricultural enterprises and private owners' farms of different organizational and legal forms. This section prepared based on data of the relative report forms of the agricultural enterprises (joint stock companies, collective and joint enterprises, production cooperatives and etc.) and private owners' farms of different property forms. The section includes information on production price of agricultural products, selling price and labor expenditures and etc. In order to reduce the statistical burden on respondents some indicators that have lost their relevance were removed from the form by making changes to the form of the annual official statistical report № 1-kt "On the activities of agricultural enterprises and private owners" and also added new indicators in accordance with the requirements. For this reason, some tables don’t contain information for previous years.

Conventional signs:
« - » not applicable
« ... » data are missing (not presented)
« 0.0 » negligible magnitude

In individual cases negligible discrepancies between totals and sum of their components are due to rounding figures.