Last updated: 30.08.2024
Labour Market
Number of employed population by economic activities(dynamics)
Distribution of employed population by property forms(dynamics)
Number of employed population in CIS countries
Number of unemployed population in CIS countries
Number of employees by economic activities (dynamics)
Number of women employees by economic activities (dynamics)
Number of employees by property forms
Number of employees by age groups and sex
Methodological explanations
Labour turnover
Labour turnover in 2022
Reasons for leaving place of work by employees at enterprices and organizations
Distribution of foreign-born and non citizens by economic activities,sex and age groups who has long-term work permit issued and duration extended to engage in paid labour activities
Number of employees working in harmfull labour conditions by economic activities in 2021-2022
Distribution of numbers of employees worked in harmful labour condition by factors of manufacturing environment and economic activities in 2021-2022
Number of employees worked in harmful labour condition by economic activities (dynamics)
Number of women worked in harmful labour condition by factors of manufacturing environment and economic activities in 2021-2022
Share of employees getting compensations for working in harmful labour conditions by economic activities
Occupational accidents
Persons newly determined as disabled
Professional training of staff
Direction of persons to professional training by State Employment Agency (dynamics)
Methodological explanations
Minimum monthly wages and salaries determined in Republic (dynamics)
Average monthly nominal wages and salaries by economic activities(dynamics)
Labour costs per 1 hour by economic activities
Average monthly nominal wages and salaries of employees by economic activities and by property forms in 2021-2022
Average monthly nominal wages of women and men by types of economic activity in 2022
Average monthly nominal wages and salariеs by CIS countries
Nominal and real incomes of population
Distribution of fully worked employees in November 2021-2022 according to size of wages by economic activities
Structure of expenditures for mainteance labour force in 2021-2022 by economic activities
Methodological explanations
Number of employees holding civil service positions in 2010-2019 (dynamics)
Number of employees holding civil service positions by age groups as of January 1, 2023 (dynamics)
Number of women holding civil service positions by age groups as of January 1, 2023
Number of employees holding civil service positions by length of service as of January 1, 2023
Average monthly nominal wages of civil servants by economic regions in 2010-2022
Number of employees holding civil service positions by economic regions and age groups as of January 1, 2023
Average monthly nominal wage of civil servants by economic regions and administrative territorial units in 2022
Methodological explanations
Main indicators of State Employment Agency(dynamics)
Distribution of persons received unemployment status by sex
Demand for labour force for filling of vacancies by economic activities(dynamics)
Distribution of number of persons received unemployment status by age group, level of education
Sex distribution of persons receiving unemployment benefits
Methodological explanations
Distribution of labour force and persons outside the labour force by residence and sex (dynamics)
Number of labour force including employed and unemployed population by age groups, as of January 1, 2023
Distribution of labour force by sex and age groups, as of January 1, 2023
Number of labour force including women) by education level and age groups, as of January 1, 2023
Number of employed population by economic activities and sex, as of January 1, 2023
Distribution of average monthly hours per employed population by economic activities and sex, as of January 1, 2023
Distribution of employed population by education level and sex (dynamics)
Distribution of employed population by occupation, status and sex, as of January 1, 2023
Distribution of employed population by education level, age group and sex, as of January 1, 2023
Distribution of unemployed population by age, residence and education level
Distribution of unemployed population by education level and sex (dynamics)
Distribution of persons outside the labour force by education level, age groups, categories and sex, as of January 1, 2023
Methodological explanations
Employment and unemployment
Distribution of employees by economic activity, as of January 1, 2023
Average monthly nominal wages and salaries of employees by economic activity in 2022
Unemployment rate
Number of disabled persons and deads in accidents in manufactures by economic activities in 2022
Distribution of working in harmful labour condition in construction in 2022 by sex
Distribution of working in harmful labour condition in information and communication in 2022 by sex
Distribution of employees holding civil service positions by sex and age groups, as of 1 January 2023
Distribution of employees holding auxiliary positions in civil service, by sex and age groups, as of January 1, 2023
Employment and unemployment, as of January 1, 2023
Methodological explanations
Number of labour force by economic regions and administrative territorial units
Number of employment by economic regions and administrative territorial units
Number of unemployed persons and unemployment rate by economic regions and administrative territorial units
Number of employees by economic regions and administrative territorial units
Average monthly nominal wages and salaries of employees by economic regions and administrative territorial units
Number of persons received unemployment status in state employment agency by economic regions and administrative territorial units
Number of persons received compensation for unemployment by economic regions and administrative territorial units
E-version of publication
The statistical yearbook reflects indicators characterizing labour market in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The statistical yearbook provides indicators about labour resources, employment, labour turnover, labour conditions, wages and salaries, expenditures for maintenance of labour force, professional training and other indicators.
Statistical data on the labour market conditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2005-2019 had been included in the yearbook.
Some indicators of the labour market could be précised in the future.
Conventional signs:
«-» not applicable
«...» data not available
«0,0» data characterized by the least number
«x» not comparable
Statistical data on the labour market conditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2005-2019 had been included in the yearbook.
Some indicators of the labour market could be précised in the future.
Conventional signs:
«-» not applicable
«...» data not available
«0,0» data characterized by the least number
«x» not comparable