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62nd plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians held in Paris


Representatives of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan Natella Guliyeva – Head of Labour Statistics Department and Khalig Nasibov – Deputy Head of Department of Population and Gender Statistics participated in the 62nd plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) that took place in Paris from 9 to 11 April 2014.
The sixty-second plenary session of the Conference was held at the OECD Conference Centre, 2.
51 European and other world countries’ statistical bodies, as well as, UNSD, UNIDO, ILO, UNWTO, WTO, UNECE, EFTA, OECD and representatives of Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS participated in the Conference.
The Conference provided a platform for the coordination of international statistical work in the UNECE region, for addressing emerging issues and for developing methodological guidelines and recommendations to improve national statistics and their international comparability.
Two seminars were held at the Conference in 2014: 9 April 2014 - What is the value of official statistics and how do we communicate that value? Organized by the United Kingdom, Sweden and Eurostat; 10 April 2014 - Migration statistics – organized by Mexico, Norway and the Russian Federation, in collaboration with UNECE, UNSD and CIS-STAT.
The Conference was also informed about the outcomes of the in-depth reviews carried out by the CES Bureau on big data; entrepreneurship statistics; measurement of social protection; and leading, composite and sentiment indicators and official statistics.
Furthermore, the Conference was discussed the progress of work in implementing the strategy of the High-level Group for modernizing statistical production and services. The following guidelines and recommendations were submitted to the Conference for endorsement: gender equality indicators and climate change related statistics.
