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Regional Seminar on “Indices of Industrial Production (IIP)” held in Saint Petersburg, Russia


Representatives of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan Hajibala Dadashov - Head of Department on Industry and Construction Statistics and Jeyhun Hasanov - Head Adviser participated in the Regional Seminar on “Indices of Industrial Production (IIP)” organized by UNIDO held on 14-16 May, 2014 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Representatives and specially invited experts of Statistical Committee of CIS, Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirgizstan, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and UNIDO participated in the seminar.
The regional workshop covered conceptual and technically complex aspects of international recommendations and standards, and showed the connection of industrial statistics variables not only to systems of national accounts, but also to company accounting systems. The workshop covered the theoretical basis of index calculations that have practical applications, as well as technically difficult aspects, such as the calculation of indices for outsourcing, for products with long production cycle, seasonality etc.
The following substantive topics discussed during the seminar:
General issues related to indices of industrial production; methods and compilation of IIP; annual and quarterly indices; seasonality of the indices; issues related to the questionnaires.
The first day of the seminar expert of UNIDO – I. Ulyanov presented presentations on “Purpose and methods of compiling IIP” and “Presentation and Dissemination of IIP”.
Next day of the seminar representatives of participating countries presented presentations on calculation of IIP.
Other presentation was presented by the participants from Azerbaijan. It was noted that, IIP in Azerbaijan is based on international methodology and calculating by the national classifications prepared on the basis of international classifications. As well as, other countries gave information about the calculation methods of IIP in their presentations.
After all presentations it was carried out discussion on the topic.
