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INOGATE Energy Statistics Network Meeting and International Conference on Achievement of Energy Statistics Action Plans (2012-2014) and Importance of Improving Data Quality for Energy Statistics, Balances and Planning held in Zagreb, Croatia


Representatives of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan H.Dadashov – Head of Department on Industry and Construction Statistics, I. Huseynov – Chief of the Administration of the Ministry of Energy and A.Mursaliyev – Head of Department for Energy Efficiency participated in the INOGATE Energy Statistics Network Meeting and International Conference on Achievement of Energy Statistics Action Plans (2012-2014) and Importance of Improving Data Quality for Energy Statistics, Balances and Planning on 25-27 November, 2014 in Zagreb, Croatia.
Representatives from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and representatives of INOGATE, The International Energy Agency (IEA), European Commission of Eurostat, European Energy Society, Croatia Energy Institute and the Bureau of Statistics participated in the meeting.
The International Conference was planned as a two full day event consisting of several sessions. Each session allowed for interactive discussion among the participants. The sessions focused on the presentation and discussion of achieved results of the Action Plans, improvement of data quality with experts from international organizations, NSIs, Ministries and other relevant institutions sharing their knowledge and experience on the significance of reliable, accurate, consistent and timely data, for example as a basis in the formulation of sound energy policies, as well as recommendations for follow-up activities for further improvement of data quality in the INOGATE Partner Countries.
During the meeting followings were discussed in accordance with the draft agenda of the meeting: Update on Status of Energy Statistics development in the INOGATE Partner Countries – moderated by the ITS; Update on Status of integration of Energy Statistics in policy and decision making in the INOGATE Partner Countries – moderated by the ITS; Achievements of Energy Statistics Action Plans 2012 – 2014 in INOGATE PCs; Towards a sustainable regional Energy Statistics Network for INOGATE Partner Countries.
