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Demographic situation in Azerbaijan


In the last year number of population of the Republic of Azerbaijan increasing by 0.9% or 88104 persons became to 9898085 persons. 52.9% of population are urban and 47.1% rural inhabitants. 49.9% of population made up men, 50.1% women.

January 1, 2018, 4.6 percent of the country's population lived in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, 22.8 percent in Baku, 20.3 percent in Aran, 12.9 percent in Ganja-Gazakh, 9.4 percent in Lankaran, 30.0 percent in other economic regions.

Population density made 1057 person per square kilometer in Baku, 153 person in Lankaran economic region, 152 person in Absheron economic region, this is higher (114) than average indicator for country.  

144041 or on average every day 395 newborns by country, 16 newborns per hour  during 2017 registered by the region (city) Registration Departments of Ministry of Justice and this indicator made up 14.8 of per 1000 person of population. 2586 of infants were twins, 57 triplets. The birth rate was above the national level in Lankaran (16.4), Daglig Shirvan (16.8), Aran (16.1), Guba-Khachmaz (15.9) and Kalbajar-Lachin (15.8) economic regions. The share of girls among newborn babies is 46.8 per cent and 114 boys per 100 girl births (biodiversity 105-107). Breakdown of the proportion of breeders have affected gender structure of the general population and 1004 females per 1000 males.
57109 deaths were registered in the country and this indicator made up 5.9 per 1000 person.
62923 marriages and 14514 divorces were registered by the Registration Departments of Ministry of Justice and the number of marriages was 6.5 and divorces were 1.5 per 1000 person.
2017 the relevant authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Migration Service registered 3073 person arrivals to Azerbaijan for permanent residence and 1901 person departures from the country and migration positive balance made up 1172 person.

Tel: 538-51-43
