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In January-May 2024 gross domestic product in amount of 48026,0 million manats was produced in the country.In January-May 2024, investments at 6640,9 million manats were directed to fixed assets.For the state of May 1, 2024 number of employees engaged in the country economy made 1749,7 thsd. persons.In January-April 2024 4,3 percent more gross domestic product was produced in the country.In January-March 2024 average monthly nominal salary in the country made 985,3 manats.In January-April 2024, investments at 5230,4 million manats were directed to fixed assets.In January-February 2024 gross domestic product in amount of 18576,9 million manats was produced.In January 2024 industrial products at 5,2 billion manats were produced.For the state of 1st January of the current year winter crops for grain and green feed were sown in the area of 1025,4 thousand hectare.For the state of December 1, 2023 number of employees engaged in the country economy made 1732,6 thsd. persons.In January-April 2023, retail trade turnover increased by 2.9 percent in real terms.The foreign trade turnover of the country in January-March 2023 made 12269,3 million USD.In January-April 2023 the Republic of Azerbaijan received 522,9 thousand foreigners and stateless persons.50.2% of the total population of the country was women for the beginning of 2023.In January-March 2023, 368.9 thousand foreigners and stateless persons arrived in the Republic of Azerbaijan.In January-February 2023, retail trade turnover increased by 2.8 percent in real terms.In January-February 2023, the consumer price index was 113.9% compared to January-February 2022.50,2 percent of total number of population made up women to the beginning of 2023In 2022 cargo transportation in Azerbaijan side of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia Transport Corridor was 51420,6 thousand ton.Industrial products at 6,5 billion manats were produced in January 2023.

Appeal of Mr Tahir Budagov, Chairman of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the statistical agencies of international organizations and world countries on behalf of the statisticians of the country

16.10.2020, 16:07


To statistical agencies of international

organizations and world countries


Dear colleagues!


As it is known, according to the Resolution No 69/282 of UN General Assembly all world statisticians are preparing to celebrate solemnly the "World Statistics Day”, which is held every 5 years, on October 20, 2020.

We would like to note that in recent years, in the background of a significant increase of the importance of statistics in the world, the great work has been done for the sake of development of official statistics both at international and national levels, great successes have been achieved in the modernization of statistics, human capacity building, improvement of methodological bases and etc. Statistical agencies are currently operating in extremely difficult conditions - in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is turned into disaster for humanity and the ecological problems gradually intensified as a result of climate changes, global political, economic tumbles, the growing armed conflicts, humanitarian crisis; they are devotedly working and ensuring the persistence of statistical information provision for more accurate decision-making at the national and international levels for the sake of development of the society and well-being of future generations.

We express our deep regret that while we are witnessing the above-mentioned, the next military aggression of the Armenian armed forces against our country from September 27, 2020, firing heavy artillery, ballistic missiles at the residential settlements of the Republic of Azerbaijan, targeting and killing dozens of civilians, including women and children, wounding hundreds of people, destruction of thousands of dwellings and social facilities has made it impossible to celebrate the “World Statistics Day" long-awaited by statisticians in Azerbaijan in terms of moral principles and ethical norms.

Armenian armed forces, which have not yet implemented fundamental norms and principles of international law, Resolutions of UN Security Council dated 1993, No 822, 853, 874 and 884 demanding the complete and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and ignored calls of international organizations for a peaceful settlement of the conflict by continuing to grossly violate international humanitarian law and the requirements of the Geneva Convention, shelled Ganja, Mingachevir and Naftalan cities, residential areas of Absheron, Khizi, Barda, Beylagan, Aghjabadi, Zardab, Goranboy, Goygol, Tartar and Yevlakh districts located outside the combat zone, the largest hydroelectric power station of the country, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas and Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipelines, which play an important role in ensuring European energy security and are the major strategic facilities of the region in the last 20 days and have not followed the ceasefire agreement reached on October 10 with humanitarian purposes. On October 11, at 2 am Armenian armed forces once again fired ballistic missiles at Ganja, the second largest city of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as a result of only this vandalism act 10 civilians, 4 of them women, were killed, and 34 civilians, 16 of them women and 6 minors, were wounded, 3 children lost their both parents, 3 residential buildings were completely destroyed, dozens of apartment buildings and various social facilities were extensively damaged.

Given the above-mentioned, we hope that you will respect and understand our decision not to celebrate the “World Statistics Day” in Azerbaijan. We believe that all decisions of the UN, including the afore-mentioned resolutions of the Security Council should be implemented, international organizations and community should display a fair position on Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, policy of aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, which lasted about 30 years, should be stopped, its occupying forces should leave the internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan, returning 1.2 million refugees and IDPs to their homes should be provided.

Dear colleagues,

Despite all, the statisticians of Azerbaijan don’t lose their hope and cordially congratulate you on occasion of the “World Statistics Day" expressing confidence in the better future of our world and wish you strong health, happiness, peace and prosperity to your country.


Chairman of the State Statistical

Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan                                                                                                                      Tahir Budagov
