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Retail trade turnover

10.09.2021, 12:00

In January-August 2021, products at 26460,0 million manats, including food products, beverages and tobacco products at 14346,9 million manats, non-food products at 12113,1 million manats were sold to the consumers in retail trade network. Compared to January-August 2020 the retail trade turnover increased in real terms by 2,7 percent, including 2,4 percent for food products, beverages and tobacco products while for non-food products it increased by 3,1 percent.

Commodity market during the reporting period is characterized as follows:

Product groups Income from sale, in million manat

As % to January-August 2020

Retail trade turnover 26 460,0 102,7
Food products 12 969,0 102,6
Beverages and tobacco products 1 377,9 100,6
Textile products, clothes and shoes 3 684,7 100,7
Electrical appliances and furniture 1 402,9 101,1
Computers, telecommunication equipment and printing products 232,4 121,1
Pharmaceutical products and medical equipment 580,5 131,4
Gasoline and diesel fuel 1 609,7 103,0
Other non-food products 4 602,9 102,0

During the reporting period, 49,0 percent of resources the consumers spent to purchasing of food products for final consumption purposes, 5,2 percent – beverages and tobacco products, 13,9 percent - textile products, clothes and shoes, 6,1 percent - gasoline and diesel fuel, 5,3 percent - electrical appliances and furniture, 2,2 percent - pharmaceutical products and medical equipment, 0,9 percent - computers, telecommunication equipment and printing products and 17,4 percent - other non-food products.

In January-August 2021, 27,7 percent of consumer goods in real terms have been sold by trade enterprises, 49,0 percent - private entrepreneurs, 23,3 percent were sold in markets and fairs. Retail trade turnover in real terms compared to the same period of 2020 increased by 24,6 percent - for enterprises, 0,9 percent - for private entrepreneurs and decreased by 9,2 percent - for markets and fairs.

During the reporting period, in the trade network at average monthly per country citizen there have been purchased products in amount of 330,3 manats, including food products, beverages and tobacco products in amount of 179,1 manats and non-food products in amount of 151,2 manats.

Tel: 377 10 70 (22-60)
