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Implementation of forest restoration activities

13.02.2023, 12:00

In 2022 the forest restoration activities had been implemented by the Forestry Development Service under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources in the areas of 8524 ha or 8.6% less forest fund lands compared to the previous year for prevention of the threat of rarefaction and reduction of forest areas, erosion of soils and the disappearance of natural biocenoses and improvement of the ecological situation as a whole. In the framework of the implemented activities forest planting had been carried out in 797 ha of area, forest sowing works in 565 ha of area, forest gardens were planted on 5 ha of area, plantations of industrial importance consisting of fast-growing tree breeds on 7 ha of area, and natural restoration was assisted on 7150 ha of area. In total, the area of serviced forest plantations, sowing and forest-gardens amounted to 14830.3 ha.

Moreover, seeds were sown on an area of 15.1 ha in order to grow seed and young plant seedlings, and 1.9 ha were buried with 112 thousand pieces of grass for rooting.

In 2020 there have been stocked up 87.5 tons or compared to the previous year 1.9 times more seeds of fruit, tree and bush types, of which 2.0 tons were per the share of walnuts, 0.6 tons – orchards, 73.7 tons – oaks and 11.1 tons – other tree and bush seeds.

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