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Macroeconomic indicators

 January-October 2009 actual, million manatJanuary-October 2009 compared to January-October 2008, per cent
Gross domestic product 26647.5 108.3
Gross volume of industrial products 17661.7 107.4
Investments directed to fixed capital 5922.7 82.8
Gross products of agriculture, forestry and fishing 3086.3 103.6
Gargo transportation, million ton 154.6 103
Volume of mail and communication services 819 113.7
Retail turnover 9489.1 108.7
Paid services for population 3203.9 112.6
External trade turnover, million USA $ 14356.0*) x
total volume of export 9986.8*) x
total volume of import 4369.2*) 83.5**)
Revenue of state budget 7235.0*) 96.4**)
Expenditure of state budget 6456.8*) 96.1**)
Proficit of state budget 778.2*) -
Income of the population 18073.9 107.8
Per capita income, manat 2049.1 106.4
Average monthly per capita wages and salaries, manat 296.3 113.9
Consumer price index x 101.7
*) January-September 2009
**) January-September 2009 compared to January-September 2008